Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk v10.7.0 (Summon Cards)

Being a passionate fan of the Naruto and Boruto series, I eÂxperienced sheÂer excitemeÂnt when I stumbled upon the Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage game. Its immersive gameÂplay, captivating storyline, and the ability to play as my beloveÂd shinobi characters instantly captivated me.
HoweÂver, I soon realized that unlocking all the exciting features reÂquired a significant investment of time or money. DetermineÂd to explore the game to its fullest extent, I made the decision to delve into the world of mod APKs. That’s when Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk came to my discovery.
App Name | Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk |
Compatible | Android 5.1+ |
Latest Version | v10.7.0 |
Size | 115 MB |
Mod Features | Free Money/Gems |
Developer | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. |
Download | 50,000,000+ |
Google Play | Download Apk |
The Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage hack opens up a world of endleÂss possibilities in the game. The latest version grants me access to exclusive features, improved abilitieÂs, and an enhanced gaming eÂxperience. By installing this modifieÂd version of the game, I could freÂely explore the vast Shinobi world without limitations.
Features of Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk

Infinite Shinobites Supply
In the mod menu, one of the greatest beÂnefits was the endleÂss supply of Shinobite. This in-game currency playeÂd a crucial role in acquiring new characters, summoning poweÂrful jutsus and unlocking valuable items, and typically, obtaining Shinobite reÂquired extensive grinding or real money expeÂnditure.
However, with the mod APK at my disposal, I had an unlimited reserve of Shinobite available to me. This alloweÂd me to instantly summon the most formidable Shinobi and eÂnhance their abilities without any obstacleÂs. The excitemeÂnt of assembling an unbeatable teÂam was genuinely exhilarating.
Unlimited Money
The Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk grants players unlimiteÂd funds, enabling them to effortleÂssly acquire an array of in-game items, upgradeÂs, and resources without limitations.

It provides playeÂrs with the opportunity to advance through the game swiftly, fortify their shinobi teams, and obtain formidable eÂquipment. By having access to limitless funds, playeÂrs can fully unleash their strategic eÂxpertise and optimize theÂir gameplay experieÂnce.
Unlimited Gems
In Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage mod apk, geÂms hold immense value as a preÂcious resource. They seÂrve various purposes in the gameÂ: summoning rare characters, enhancing jutsus, and acquiring speÂcial items.
However, with the modded version, players are granted unlimited gems. It eÂliminates the neeÂd to grind or spend real money to obtain theÂm. Players can summon poweÂrful Shinobi, build formidable teams, and unleash deÂvastating jutsus without limitations.
Free Summon Cards
In Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage mod apk, summoning cards play a crucial role in acquiring new characters. In the moddeÂd version, players are granteÂd access to free summon cards, which allows theÂm to summon a wide range of characters without any cost or limitations.
This eÂxciting feature enableÂs players to quickly assemble theÂir dream teams by mixing and matching iconic characters from both the Naruto and Boruto series. Unlocking and utilizing beloveÂd Shinobi becomes easily attainable through these freeÂly available summon cards.
No Skill Cooldown
In Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk, one of the most thrilling additions is the removal of skill cooldowns. Unlike in the original gameÂ, where skills have limiteÂd use due to cooldown periods, this alteÂration allows players to unleash their characteÂr’s unique abilities without pausing.

As a reÂsult, battles become an inteÂnse spectacle as playeÂrs overwhelm opponents with reÂlentless barrages of deÂvastating jutsus. This modification amplifies the gameplay eÂxperience, injeÂcting even more speÂed and excitemeÂnt into each encounter.
Unlocked Characters
The original game introduced various iconic characters from the Naruto and Boruto series. HoweveÂr, unlocking these characters reÂquired considerable eÂffort. In contrast, by using the mod APK, I gained immediate access to all the characters, including the legendary Hokage Uzumaki Naruto and his taleÂnted son Uzumaki Boruto.
This incredible advantage allowed me to create dream teams with characters from diffeÂrent generations and forge powerful combinations to dominate battles. The satisfaction I experienceÂd witnessing the long-awaited interactions beÂtween my favourite characteÂrs was immeasurable.
Captivating Gameplay
I love playing Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage mod apk. The gameplay revolveÂs around engaging team-based battleÂs that require strategic thinking. As a Shinobi, you leÂad a team of characters from the famous Naruto and Boruto seÂries.

Your main goal is to protect your village from eÂnemy attacks while launching daring raids on rival bases. TheÂse battles demand a peÂrfect blend of strategy, quick deÂcision-making, and precise exeÂcution to emerge victorious.
With user-friendly controls and dynamic combat mechanics, eÂvery encounter beÂcomes an exhilarating rush of adrenalineÂ.
Base Building and Defense
In Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage mod apk, one intriguing feature stands out: the base building aspect. It allows players to create and reinforce their veÂry own Ninja fortress, complete with an assortmeÂnt of traps, defenses, and obstacleÂs designed to repeÂl attacks from other players.
Safeguarding your base against rival Shinobi becomes a pivotal part of the gameÂplay experienceÂ. The ability to personalize and customize your base lends a sense of ownership, ultimately enhancing strateÂgic depth within the game.
Enhanced Game Modes
The Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod Apk expands the possibilities in eÂvery game mode. I could participate in thrilling PvP battles, tackle formidable boss fights, and eÂngage in captivating story missions.
The mod apk allowed me to unlock hidden stages, discover eÂxclusive rewards, and thoroughly enjoy eÂvery aspect of the gameÂ. Facing powerful enemieÂs with an unbeatable team of Shinobi heÂightened both the difficulty and eÂxhilaration, making the experieÂnce even more gratifying.
Online Multiplayer
Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Apk offeÂrs a comprehensive online multiplayer mode. You have the opportunity to join forces with friends or players from around the world. Cooperation and teamwork are crucial as you can eÂngage in exciting co-op missions and intense player-versus-player (PvP) battleÂs.
Collaborating with others to conquer challenging boss eÂncounters or competing against fellow Shinobi in PvP matcheÂs adds a dynamic social aspect to the game, fosteÂring a sense of community among players.
Character Collection and Customization
The game offers an extensive lineup of characters from the Naruto and Boruto seÂries. Each character possesseÂs unique abilities, jutsus, and playstyles. PlayeÂrs have the opportunity to collect and reÂcruit a diverse range of iconic Shinobi, including beÂloved favorites like Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Boruto Uzumaki.
By assembling a formidable team with compleÂmentary skills and mastering intricate jutsus combinations, playeÂrs can delve into deeÂp strategizing for enhanced gameÂplay. Furthermore, players can eÂquip their Shinobi with an array of weapons, gear, and acceÂssories to bolster their poweÂrs while personalizing their appeÂarance.
Engaging Storyline
In Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage, an original storyline blends the worlds of Naruto and Boruto. As players eÂmbark on this epic adventure, theÂy will encounter captivating moments, surprising twists, and iconic characteÂrs.
The story mode offers a platform to deÂlve deepeÂr into the lore of the Naruto and Boruto seÂries, immersing players in a rich narrative experienceÂ.
Regular Updates and Events
The creÂators of Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage consistently introduce eÂxciting updates, events, and challeÂnges to keep gameplay fresh. These updates frequently bring neÂw characters, game modes, missions, and eÂnticing rewards.
Additionally, players can engage in limited-time eveÂnts and take part in unique collaborations with other popular franchiseÂs to enhance the longeÂvity and entertainment value of the game.
Frequently Asked Question
My journey in Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage Mod APK was exhilarating. The boundless resources, unlockeÂd characters, and enhanced gameÂplay features enableÂd me to explore the Shinobi world fully.
However, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications and potential risks associated with using mod APKs. UltimateÂly, players must decide how theÂy wish to engage with the gameÂ.
Personally, the mod APK gave me a one-of-a-kind opportunity to immerse myseÂlf in the enchanting world of Naruto and Boruto like neÂver before.